The cushion typically consists of materials like wood, metal, or plastic designed to absorb and distribute the impact force generated by the hammer. Its primary purpose is to protect the structural integrity of the pile being driven and to ensure that the force is transmitted efficiently without causing excessive stress or deformation to either the pile or the hammer.
Nylatron MC904P Pile Driver Cushions in various size
Key Benefits of Nylatron MC904P
Longer Service Life - Nylatron MC904P Pile Driver Cushions typically outperform conventional cushion material by a factor of 20-50 times.
Easy to Replace
Nylatron MC904P cushions can be sized to replace existing cushions, as well as being easily removed and replaced at the end of their service life, i.e. they don't have to be cut out.
Nylatron MC904P cushions can be used in virtually any type of piling equipment that uses a cushion, including hydraulic and diesel hammers.
The 'Right' Elasticity
Years of practical experience and research has demonstrated that Nylatron MC904P has the properties that ensure the force of each hammer blow is effectively transmitted without damaging the pile or the piling hammer.
Shorter Piling Time
With Nylatron MC904P's unique material properties, less energy is lost than conventional materials, allowing for piles to be driven faster and with greater force.